Knowledge hub

Bulk Payments

Bulk Payments

Bulk payment transfers

Need to make bulk payments like transfers or salaries to multiple beneficiaries at once? The following steps will help you efficiently initiate these payments and manage your transactions.

Make a Bulk Payment

Step 1 of 12
Click on ‘Payments’ from the toolbar on the left of the screen
A drop-down list will appear to choose from, click on ‘Transfers’. You will be redirected to the ‘Payments’ screen.
Step 2 of 12
Click on ‘Bulk Transfer’ from the top right of the screen
You will be redirected to the ‘Make a payment’ pop-up window.
Step 3 of 12
From the 'Make a Payment' pop-up, select your payment method
Use the bulk payments template, add existing beneficiaries, or choose from previous bulk payments. You will be directed to the 'Select Transfer Type' screen.
Step 4 of 12
Select the transfer type
Choose from Transfer, Salary, Bonuses, all transfers share the same template.
Click 'Salary' to go to the 'Upload a File' pop-up window.
Step 5 of 12
Download your bulk payment template from the ‘Upload a file’ pop-up window
Click on the ‘Download XLSX template’ in the middle of the pop-up window.
Step 6 of 12
Click on the ‘Download XLSX template’ in the middle of the pop-up window, and a pop-up window on the screen will appear to confirm the download is completed. Click on the downloaded file to fill in the recipients’ payment information. You can also get a preview of what to fill in the template by clicking on 'How to use the template' if required
Fill the sheet and upload the file.
Step 7 of 12
Review the details of the transfer from the 'Send money' pop-up window
This pop-up window previews the information from the Excel sheet you uploaded. To edit any details, click 'Edit list' to begin editing on the same pop-up page.
Step 8 of 12
Delete or edit the details of the transfer from the 'Send money' pop-up window if required
Check the box next to the beneficiary you want to update and make your changes. To delete, select the rows and click 'Delete Selected.' A confirmation pop-up will appear, after you confirm, you will return to the same 'Send money' pop-up page.
Step 9 of 12
Review and confirm the details from the 'Send money' pop-up window
Click on 'Stop editing' to be directed back to the main 'Send money' pop-up window and click on 'Continue →' to be directed to the 'Payment account' pop-up window.
Step 10 of 12
Choose your payment account from the 'Payment account' pop-up window
Select your payment account from the 'Payment account' dropdown box, add and reference notes in the reference ID textbox, review the transfer amount, and click on 'Continue →' to be redirected to the 'Review payment' pop-up window.
Step 11 of 12
Submit the bulk transfer for review in the ‘Review payment’ pop-up window
Review your payment details and click on 'Submit for review' for bulk transfer to be reviewed by the approver.
Step 12 of 12
Your payment has been submitted successfully for review
This request will now be sent to be reviewed by the authorized approver user.

Bulk payments to existing beneficiaries

Step 1 of 13
Click on “Payments” from the toolbar on the left side of the screen
A dropdown list will appear click on ‘Transfers’. You will be redirected to the ‘Payments’ screen.
Step 2 of 13
Click on “Transfers” then Click on “Bulk Transfer” from the top right corner
You will be directed to the “Make a payment” popup window
Step 3 of 13
Click on “Bulk payment”
You will find a list to choose from, click on “Add existing beneficiaries”
Step 4 of 13
Click on “Add existing beneficiaries”
You will be directed to a popup window where you can select the transfer type
Step 5 of 13
Select Transfer Type
You will be directed to your list of existing beneficiaries. Check the box of the beneficiaries you want to make a transfer to then click on “Continue →”
Step 6 of 13
From the “Payment Details”
Select the currency and transfer amount for the first beneficiary, then click on “Next beneficiary →”.
Step 7 of 13
Next beneficiary→
Select the currency and transfer amount for the first beneficiary, then click on “Continue →"
Step 8 of 13
From the “Send Money” screen, review the payment details
You can delete a beneficiary from the “Edit list” button
Step 9 of 13
Click “Edit list” from the “Send money” screen
Check the box next to the beneficiary to delete beneficiaries then click “Delete selected”
Step 10 of 13
Click on “Stop editing”
Then click “Continue” to be redirected to the payment account popup window
Step 11 of 13
Select Payment Account
And add the unique reference ID then click on “Continue→”
Step 12 of 13
Review Payment
You will be directed to a popup window where you can review your payment. Once done, click on “Submit for review”.
Step 13 of 13
Bulk Payment
Your payment has been successfully submitted for review.

Confirming payment according to the permissions workflow

Step 1 of 8
Find the pending cliq in transfers
Click on “...” more next to the instant cliq payment you wish to proceed with
A drop down list will appear to either review payment, confirm or decline.
Step 2 of 8
Confirming your payment
From the drop down list to confirm payment, click on confirm.
Which will redirect you to Review payment pop up window.
Step 3 of 8
Review and confirm your payment details
Carefully review your payment details then click on ‘Confirm’ to be redirected to a confirmation pop-up.
Step 4 of 8
Confirm the payment
Click on ‘Confirm’ to be redirected to the “Review payment’ success pop-up window.
Step 5 of 8
Sucess screen
Your payment has been successfully submitted!
Step 6 of 8
To decline
From the drop down list to decline payment, click on decline
You will be redirected to Decline payment pop up window.
Step 7 of 8
Decline your payment
Click on ‘Decline’ to be directed to the ‘Decline payment’ pop-up confirmation window.
Step 8 of 8
Success Screen
Your payment has been successfully declined!
12 September 2024
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